Eric Ciotti’s office vandalized in Nice

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“The motion or the pavement.” On the night of Saturday March 18 to Sunday March 19, the office of Eric Ciotti, deputy Les Républicains des Alpes-Maritimes and president of the party, was vandalized by opponents of the pension reform in Nice. “Last night, my permanence was stoned”reacted the chosen one on Twitteradding that “The thugs who did this want to use violence to pressure my vote on Monday”the day on which the National Assembly must decide on the motions of censure tabled against the government, after its recourse to 49.3. “I will never give in to the new disciples of Terror”, he added. Follow our live.

“Until the last moment, we tried to avoid this 49.3”, defends Olivier Dussopt. The Minister of Labour, Olivier Dussopt, affirms, in an interview published on Saturday in the Sunday newspaperthat “juntil the last moment”the government has “sought to avoid this 49.3”. “In the National Assembly, we did everything, tried everything, until the last minute, to build this majority. But we were in a risk zone, with deputies who hesitated between abstention and voting against”, he pleads. According to him, “this reform was too important to take the risk of playing Russian roulette”. However, he concedes that there will be “a before and an after 49.3”.

Bruno Le Maire calls on LR deputies to “recover their spirits”. “Let everyone take their responsibilities on Monday”. The message of the Minister of the Economy to his former political family is clear, after the outstretched hand of the boss of the RN, Jordan Bardella, to the LR deputies, inviting them to vote for the motion of censure tabled by his party against the government. In an interview at Parisian published on Saturday evening, Bruno Le Maire hopes that the LR deputies “recover their spirits”. “A number of LR deputies and senators have shown courage and consistency, such as Bruno Retailleau, Eric Ciotti, and all those who followed them. Others have gone astray”he adds.

Thousands of demonstrators everywhere in France, 122 arrests in Paris and 15 in Lyon. In Paris, around 4,000 demonstrators, according to the police, marched in the south of the capital, around the Place d’Italie, where clashes between police and demonstrators took place in the evening, and 122 people were arrested. Incidents also broke out in Lyon, where 400 to 500 young people were shot with tear gas, AFP noted. In all, 15 people were arrested there.

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