“Eric Ciotti will obviously have a special and singular place in my campaign”, assures Valérie Pécresse

The candidate nominated by Republican activists to represent them in the presidential election has chosen to make her first trip to the stronghold of her recent opponent, Eric Ciotti.

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“Eric Ciotti will obviously have a special and singular place in my campaign because he embodies this ‘right Pasqua’ that we must honor”, assured Valérie Pécresse, LR presidential candidate, Monday, December 6 on France Inter.

The candidate goes to Nice and Saint-Martin-Vésubie on Monday and explains that to go “in the village of Eric Ciotti for my first trip, it is to show him the place he has taken with his beautiful countryside and the place that his ideas will also have in my campaign”.

“My project will not be watered down. It can be enriched, spiced up but not distorted by the proposals of my other candidate comrades”, she added, however, recalling that “the militants decided very clearly for my project”.

While Eric Ciotti estimated Sunday that Valérie Pécresse had not sent “a good message” by not taking up its harshest proposals, it ensures that the member of the Alpes-Maritimes “will be part” of his support because “he has always been very loyal to his family” Politics.

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