Eric Ciotti threatens “legal action” after his exclusion from the Republicans

LR is sinking into crisis. After his exclusion from the Republicans, Eric Ciotti assures, Thursday June 13, that “if there are obstacles to the legitimate presidency that I have, there will be legal actions, including criminal actions for those who use means that do not have the right to be used.” On the set of “4 Vérités” on France 2, he claims that he will be “in his office in a few moments”. Eric Ciotti believes that the meeting which took place on Wednesday, during which his dismissal was pronounced, “was not a political office”. “It has no legal value”, according to him. Follow our live stream.

Divorce at Reconqueste. Eric Zemmour denounced Wednesday evening the “treason” of Marion Maréchal and excluded her from her Reconquest party, after she called to vote for the deputies supported by the RN. “The bridges are clearly broken and I regret it”declared Marion Maréchal, Thursday on TF1, who added that she will not resign from her post as MEP and that she will not will be “not a candidate for the legislative elections”.

Gabriel Attal expected in Pas-de-Calais. Seventeen days before the first round of the early legislative elections, the Prime Minister goes Thursday to Boulogne-sur-Mer, to a constituency in Pas-de-Calais where the National Rally had almost won in 2022. Remained discreet in the first hours of the campaign, the head of government is expected on the ground the day after Emmanuel Macron’s press conference.

Olivier Faure “does not disqualify” Jean-Luc Mélenchon for Matignon. On France 2, Jean-Luc Mélenchon said “feel capable” to be Prime Minister in the event of a victory for the left in the legislative elections. “I don’t eliminate myself but I don’t impose myself”, he declared on RMC. “I’m not disqualifying him, I’m just saying that this choice will be a collective choice”reacted the First Secretary of the PS on Wednesday, adding that he had not “no problem with the fact that he considers that he is one of those who can claim this position”.

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