Eric Ciotti says he is “ready to take up the challenge” for the presidency of the Republicans

The LR deputy from the Alpes-Maritimes has not made his decision, but he says he is “ready to take up the challenge. For the next presidential election, he believes that Laurent Wauquiez is best placed within his party.

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A step towards an application. Eric Ciotti said to himself “Ready to take the challenge” of the election for the presidency of the Republicans, in an interview with Sunday newspaper released Saturday July 23. “My final decision is not completely taken but I am ready to take up the challenge and very determined”said the deputy LR of the Alpes-Maritimes.

Arrived second in the primary of the right for the presidential election, Eric Ciotti claims to have engaged “work to offer both a broad gathering and a modernized political offer, in line with the expectations of the French”. The first round of the election for the presidency of LR will take place electronically from December 3 at 6 p.m. to December 4 at 6 p.m. and, if no candidate obtains the majority of the votes cast, a second round will be organized on the 10 and December 11.

“Laurent Wauquiez has the best assets”

If none has officially applied yet, the number 2 of the party Aurélien Pradié, the MEP François-Xavier Bellamy or the former European commissioner Michel Barnier have expressed their interest in the presidency of LR. Annie Genevard, current interim president after the departure of Christian Jacob, also indicated that she did not rule out running as a candidate.

Conversely, the president of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region Laurent Wauquiez, like that of Hauts-de-France Xavier Bertrand, gave up running for the post. “Laurent Wauquiez is the one who has the best assets to hope for victory in 2027”believes Eric Ciotti in the JDD. He believes that Laurent Wauquiez “can answer this question of leadership” within LR for the next presidential election.

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