Eric Ciotti “calls for the generalization of FFP2 masks”

According to the deputy for Alpes-Maritimes, “it is up to the State to provide vulnerable groups, health personnel and public personnel such as teachers with FFP2 masks”.

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Eric Ciotti, finalist of the Republicans primary and support of Valérie Pécresse, called on Sunday January 2 to “the generalization of FFP2 masks”, Who “protect more” facing the Covid-19 and of which he deplored the lack of stocks in “The Grand Jury RTL / LCI / Le Figaro”.

He regrets a “lack of anticipation” of the government : “Today we do not have stocks, production in France has fallen by 90% [par rapport à fin 2020, face à la concurrence asiatique]“.

“We will come there, I take the bet, because this mask protects more and that other countries, like Austria and Italy, came there”, added the deputy for Alpes-Maritimes. According to him, “It is up to the State to provide vulnerable groups, health personnel and public personnel such as teachers with FFP2 masks”.

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