Eric Cantona: His daughter Joséphine, an attractive Yoga teacher …

At 55 years old, Eric Cantona is the happy father of four children: Emir (12 years old) and Selma (8 years old), born from his second marriage to Rachida Brakni, as well as Raphaël (33 years old) and Joséphine (26 years old), from his first marriage to his ex-wife Isabelle Ferrer. Her eldest daughter has embraced a less media career than that of her illustrious dad.

In fact, Joséphine is now a yoga teacher! She founded Urban Bliss and describes herself as a specialist in eating disorders. She also calls herself a massage therapist and practices Kobido, a Japanese facial massage helping to fight against the marks of time. “My passion for wellness started when I started out as a young adult. I had learned the hard way that my mental and physical health are my sole responsibility. After trying several professional careers (design, psychology, cooking) I decided to make guiding others on their path to well-being and inner joy the goal of my life.“, she says on her official website.

To carry out her project, Joséphine first followed a first 200-hour training course in India, in 2017, then another of 300 hours in France, in 2019. An approach similar to that of the singer Natasha St-Pier, she is now also a yoga teacher. “During this period, I taught yoga part-time and continued to learn through practice and study.“, she adds.

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