Eric Bartecheky launches “a call” to strengthen the team with an additional recruit

It may not please the leaders but I will say it anywayannounces Eric Bartecheky from the outset, we had to have an 8th player“. An 8th experienced player hears the coach of Élan Béarnais, since for the moment the squad has nine players, with two young players from the Espoirs team in the off-season, Fabio Milanese and Enzo Sharvin. This Thursday at a press conference, Eric Bartecheky returned to the difficulties of his team at Boulogne-Levallois (82-59), in particular the fact that Michael Stockton was perfectly muzzled: “He took a lot of pressure, in these conditions getting the ball up, organizing the game and showing lucidity all the time by playing so much, it’s not easy“. So the manager mentioned the possibility of adding one more player to his squad : “In all transparency, the idea was to recruit a 2-3 position to complete the puzzle of our group, but today in view of what we see, if there were to be in the season – and I hopes –, an envelope to recruit, it is perhaps towards another profile that he will want to turn“.

Eric Bartecheky now imagines a reinforcement capable of replacing Michael Stockton in the lead : “A 2-1, or another leader, last year we played well with two leaders… A profile that could give a little oxygen to Michael, to also allow them to be associated, ideally a guy bigger, stronger. It would give more creation on the rise of the ball and on the whole, and to keep Garrett Sim really on the shoot“. For the time being, the Pau coach can only rely on position 1 behind Stockton on the young Gérald Ayayi (2-1) and the even younger Fabio Milanese, hence the idea of ​​an additional to this post, even ifhe knows his wish is already almost pious : “this is perhaps the piece to add as soon as we can, as soon as I have the authorization, if I have it…” “It’s a call“, concluded the Green and White coach.

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