Eric Antoine hosts “The Traitors” on M6

Candidates will have to unite to overcome their fears, surpass themselves physically and solve puzzles during physical and psychological tests. Their objective: win as many missions as possible in order to collect the greatest number of silver bars!

When evening comes, the “traitors” will have an advantage. They will be able to banish a loyal one who will have to leave the adventure on the spot. But the “loyal” will have the opportunity to defend themselves by eliminating a candidate they believe to be a “traitor” in a council vote led by Éric Antoine.

The candidate who manages to avoid all eliminations and banishments will win the game and will leave with an exceptional gain for the benefit of his association: up to 50 silver bars!

It is in a magnificent castle that you will find 14 personalities (David Douillet, Elsa Esnoult, Martin Lamotte, Camille Lacourt, Delphine Wespiser, Natoo, Paul El Kharrat, etc.) who will participate in an experience they will never forget! A game of lies, manipulation and betrayal where all shots will be allowed. Among the 14 players, 3 will be designated as “traitors”, the others will be “loyal”.

Day and night, “the traitors” will have to lie about their true identitydevelop strategies to deceive the “loyal” and ensure their place in the game. To achieve this, they will have to win events, resist psychological pressure, thwart strategies, deceive the enemy… And above all avoid eliminations to arrive last and win the game and an exceptional gain for the benefit of the association of their choice: 50 silver bars!

Will the “traitors” manage to hide their identity until the end? Will they manage to eliminate the “loyal” before they unmask them? Who will win this game: the “traitors” or the “loyal”?

You will be able to conduct the investigation this Wednesday, August 17 at 9:10 p.m. on M6!

Eric Antoine, the playmaker, is our guest to tell us about it tonight!

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