Éric Abidal, a return that does not go unnoticed: the former footballer criticized on social networks

The consequences of the aggression suffered by Kheira Hamraoui on November 4, 2021 are multiple and have affected many people for several months now. That evening, the Paris Saint-Germain player was violently attacked by two men as she returned to her home in Chatou (Yvelines). The investigation then turned to Aminata Diallo, her club teammate, suspected at first and who had to undergo the media frenzy from which she suffered. Then it’s a love feud story involving Eric Abidal which made headlines.

The former player of the France team was forced to admit his extramarital relationship with Kheira Hamraoui, causing his couple to implode at the same time. His wife Hayet quickly filed for divorce and despite his unsuccessful attempts, Éric Abidal had to make up his mind and accept the separation with the mother of his five children. After several months of media silence, the one who had major health problems in the past finally reappeared when we no longer expected him. Last Tuesday, for the return of the Champions League, he was on the set of Canal+, for the Canal Champions Club program, presented by Hervé Mathoux.

Internet users are attacking him

A return that has obviously caused a lot of talk on social networks where Internet users were between incomprehension, astonishment and even anger for some, who still resent him. Sometimes very harsh messages, like this account which does not understand how he can make this public appearance after these last turbulent months: “The very very shameful Éric Abidal still has the nerve to appear on television French”. Others are more into humor and the second degree, like this twittos: “Why did I just smile alone when I saw Eric Abidal on the Canal+ set?”.

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