The federation of bicycle users warns of the risk of accidents due to the lack of equipment for cyclists at night. With the change of time, accidents jump 50% in November.
THEnight has fallen earlier since Sunday, October 31, and seems to surprise the bikes. In Montpellier (Hérault), few cyclists have lights on, and few have brightly colored vests. Less than half are in good standing. “We drive under the lampposts. It’s a bit dangerous, but we were surprised by the change of time”, indicates a cyclist.
Cyclists who are not in order incur a 38 euros fine for lack of equipment. The life jacket is compulsory outside built-up areas, and necessarily recommended in town. “On a bicycle, what is already compulsory are the brakes, the bell, and the lighting. White lighting in front, red behind”, details Nicolas Le Moigne, from the Vélocité association. Another member, Aurore Chesney recalls that approximately “17% of accidents are fatal at night”. With winter time, the number of road accidents practically doubles between 5 and 7 p.m. Awareness campaigns for cyclists take place all week.
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