Epstein case, Empire of vice

The FBI has unearthed photographs (undated, but probably taken in the 1990s on a private jet) to prove the relationship between Maxwell and Epstein: “partners in crimes”.

“Naughty? I love the rascals ”

In a Brooklyn, New York, top-security prison at night, guards light her up every fifteen minutes to make sure she’s alive. She ? It’s Ghislaine Maxwell, 59, a jet-setter used to social gatherings and ultra-luxurious residences, the lover and employee of Jeffrey Epstein, the multi-millionaire pedophile found dead of an “apparent suicide” in his Manhattan cell in August 2019. As a result, his trial could never take place. That of Ghislaine, which opened on November 29, therefore arouses all the attention as the ghost of Epstein is present in the huge courtroom Thurgood Marshall, in Manhattan. Ghislaine is accused of playing a crucial role in helping Epstein procure young girls. A dire fate for this Briton born in Yvelines on Christmas Day 1961, the youngest of a family of nine children, Ghislaine was brought up in the enormous family mansion of Headington Hill Hall, in Oxford (England), which houses the house of edition, Pergamon Press, by his father. This is none other than Robert Maxwell, a Czech whose whole family disappeared during the Shoah, became a press boss as powerful as he was influential, owner among others of the Mirror or the European. Growing up, Ghislaine is a mini-celebrity, a socialite personality accustomed to celebrity parties, and her father, reputed to be tyrannical with his brothers and his employees, adores her. He also named his huge yacht Lady Ghislaine. On November 5, 1991, Robert Maxwell’s body was found at sea, off the Canary Islands. He had just bought a New York tabloid, then went on a cruise alone to celebrate. The crew did not find him in the early hours of the morning. Accident, suicide? The circumstances of this death will never be clarified. His daughter Ghislaine is convinced that he was executed. Especially since we will learn later that Maxwell was in close connection with the Mossad, the Israeli secret service. When he died, it was also discovered that Robert Maxwell was a con artist who had siphoned off nearly 900 million euros from his employees’ pension funds. The Maxwell Empire crumbles like a house of cards, property is auctioned off, the family is ruined. Ghislaine is 30 years old, wants to be forgotten in Great Britain, and leaves for New York where she meets Jeffrey Epstein. This lively financier reminds him of his father for the self-made man side. She immediately falls in love with him, becomes her lover, her assistant, these two will get along very well… Summer 2000 in Palm Beach (Florida): Virginia Roberts is 17 years old and she is hired at the golf course of Mar-a-Lago , the palace of Donald Trump. This is where Ghislaine spotted her and recruited her to perform a massage on Jeffrey Epstein. The teenager goes to the financier’s villa, and Ghislaine accompanies her to a huge marble bathroom. Epstein, 47, is lying naked on a table. Jeffrey and Ghislaine undertake to put the somewhat naive teenager in confidence, who then confesses to the two adults a somewhat adventurous past, peppered with runaways, drug problems, an abduction by a pedophile … Epstein bounces back on this final piece of information: “Naughty, that’s good, I love naughty!” exclaims the predatory financier who gets up while masturbating while Ghislaine undresses Virginia and encourages the teenager to perform fellatio on her companion. Virginia will then be thrown onto the table and then penetrated.

Famous Friends of Jeffrey Epstein

PRINCE ANDREW He is accused of rape by Virginia Roberts Giuffre. The facts date back to the early 2000s according to the complainant, who was 17 at the time. The prince’s lawyers are doing everything to avoid a trial by denouncing a testimony that “does not hold water”.

BILL GATES According to the New York Times, the billionaire had known Jeffrey Epstein well since 2011, three years after a first trial for trafficking in minors. A friendship that his wife Melinda Gates would not have supported and which would be, among other things, at the origin of their divorce.

WOODY ALLEN The filmmaker never hid it. He dated Epstein who was his neighbor, and often went to the social dinners he organized. An association that has been a mess since his adopted daughter, Dylan, accuses him of having sexually assaulted her in August 1992.

BILL CLINTON Not really known for being sexually abstinent, former President Bill Clinton would have been a regular at the Lolita Express. There is even a snapshot from 2002 where Hillary’s husband is seen having his back and neck massaged by a young girl named Chauntae Davies (22 at the time). Note that Ghislaine and Jeffrey were invited to Chelsea Clinton’s wedding.

DONALD TRUMP Neighbors in Palm Beach, Jeffrey and Donald did quite a few parties in the early 2000s, celibate at bay. There are also quite embarrassing images of this time for the former president. Trump quickly cut off his good neighborly relations when rumors of Jeffrey’s real activity leaked.

KEVIN SPACEY The actor accused of rape and sexual assault, but whose charges have since been dropped, was a friend of Ghislaine. There is a snap where he is seen with Robert Maxwell’s daughter at Buckingham Palace.

A former Lolita Express pilot also claims to have seen him on board the jet on several occasions.

HARVEY WEINSTEIN In the Virgin Islands, Harvey, The pig, would have been so brutal with a “masseuse” that Epstein would have been forced to intervene. Weinstein, the guy who manages to shock even such a disreputable character as Jeffrey Epstein. That is to say…

NAOMI CAMPBELL When she was dating Flavio Briatore, the boss of a Formula 1 team, the top frequented Ghislaine and Jeffrey a lot, as several photos attest.


The death by hanging of Jeffrey Epstein while in ultra-supervised detention has made a plethora of observers skeptical. Some like the medical examiner Michael Baden evoking on Fox News a strangulation rather than a hanging if one “observes closely the wounds of the body of the deceased”. And this death, in addition to arranging a lot of people, gave rise to various theses. The most popular: Epstein worked for the Israeli or American secret services and his role was to compromise important people by filming them during frolics with the “masseuses”, most often minors. Once this device was discovered by the general public, it had to be eliminated for fear that the pimp-agent would start talking at the trial …

A millionaire not really a philanthropist

The teenager still ignores it, but she has just passed a hiring test to integrate the staff of Jeffrey Epstein. Behind their appearance of a rich and famous couple, a little idle, a little eccentric, Jeffrey and Ghislaine are in reality pimps at the head of an international network who provide “masseuses” to rich and sometimes famous clients. Like other young girls, often minors, Virginia will live between New Mexico, Paris and the Virgin Islands where Epstein has properties. These trips are made aboard the private jet of the pedophile cynically baptized the Lolita Express and like the other “masseuses”, Virginia will also play the touts for Epstein and his customers eager for fresh flesh. Customers unaware that Jeffrey films their antics in the massage cabins to then blackmail them… 2008: a complaint from a former employee leads the millionaire to a first trial. The world is discovering the Epstein system. To everyone’s surprise, through a plea-guilty and skillful lawyers, the pimp will only be sentenced to eighteen months in prison in an establishment which also allows him to go to the office six days a week. Upon his release, Epstein continued his activities, convinced of his omnipotence and total impunity. But more than ten years later, the fall of Harvey Weinstein and the #MeToo movement will act as a fatal brake on Jeffrey. Languages ​​are loosened, information leaks on the Internet and in the press, concerning the Lolita Express and its famous passengers like Bill Clinton. It’s getting very hot for Jeffrey Epstein who was arrested when he got off the plane on July 6, 2019 for trafficking in minors. The whole world is waiting for the trial. In vain, the pimp will be found dead in his prison on August 10, 2019. Close the ban. From her ultra-secure Brooklyn cell, Ghislaine Maxwell says she is innocent, pleads not guilty to all six counts and should not speak at the hearing. The defense will no doubt argue that the alleged crimes date back more than twenty years, and especially that Ghislaine Maxwell is being tried instead of the real protagonist, Jeffrey Epstein. Her main accuser, Virginie Roberts (now Giuffre), is not expected to appear and one of the prosecutors, Maurene Comey, is the daughter of the former FBI director. She was also a supporter of Hillary Clinton during her campaign in 2016.

Pimps and an international network

Enough to feed future conspiracy theories… Ghislaine’s main concern is simple: not to be found dead in troubled circumstances like Robert Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein. It is rumored that the fallen socialite would have made all arrangements to stay alive …

The troubled origin of his fortune

Coming from the middle class, the pedophile found himself at the head of a fortune estimated at 500 million dollars. How did he come to this, he who is originally a math teacher?

Later converted into tax exemption and money laundering, he then frequents bosses including Leslie Wexner, who is at the head of the L Brands group, the entity that houses the Victoria’s Secret lingerie brand. Completely in the grip (psychological, sexual, others?), Leslie will totally let go and entrust the management of his fortune to Epstein. Which will happily use in the cash … The CEO was removed from the management of the group in 2020 because of this past proximity (and he says he regrets today) with the pimp.

To see also:

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