Epidemic resumption of covid… Martin Blachier announces bad news!

We are not yet rid of covid-19. New BA.4 and BA.5 sub-variants of Omicron have landed for a few weeks and the number of cases of contamination continues to rise. Thursday June 23, Public Health France recorded nearly 80,000 daily cases, a figure up 50% compared to the week before, which brings the average to 58,000 contaminations per day. This Saturday, June 25 on CNews, Martin Blachier gave his opinion on this subject. And he did not announce good news. “This immunity does not last. If we do the math, people will catch up with Covid 1.2 times a year”said the epidemiologist. “If variants continue to re-emerge every 4 months as has been the case since the start of the pandemic, some will even catch it twice a year.”

He added : “It won’t be like at the beginning. It’s a balance between the way you defend yourself and the ability of the virus to attack you”before “At the beginning, we had no ability to defend ourselves. Today we have it. Even if the antibody immunity decreases after three months, you have an immune capital.”

And in a tweet, he wrote: “20 million covid cases diagnosed since the beginning of 2022. 20 million estimated by the end of 2022. And we are talking about the cases tested positive (50%)… Each French person will therefore have been infected on average 1.2 times in 2022. endemic phase is there = living WITH”.

See also: Zapping: Covid-19: the commitment medal shunned by caregivers

Adam Javal-Fauconnier

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