Enzo Zidane celebrates the 2 months of his daughter surrounded by his brothers on a magnificent boat

The Zidane family grew two months ago and since then everyone has eyes only for Sia, the daughter ofEnzo, born on May 19, to the delight of her parents. The son of legend Zinedine Zidane is the first of his four children to become a father, making him a very young grandfather at just 50 years old. An arrival celebrated as it should be by the 27-year-old footballer, settled in France near Rodez (Aveyron) at the time of the birth of his daughter, but who has just signed in a Spanish club.

If he wants to relaunch in the country that saw him grow up, Enzo Zidane will certainly devote a lot of his time to his daughter, who has been making him happy for two months now. With his bride Karen González, they are totally crazy about their little Sia and the couple does not hesitate to share beautiful moments on social networks. The beautiful Spaniard has just done it again to celebrate a very special date, the two months of her daughter. On her Instagram account, where she is followed by more than 16,000 subscribers, she posted a post yesterday with several photos of this beautiful family day.

You are the best thing that ever happened to us. Happy two months my Sia

With his two brothers Luke and Elyazthe eldest of the Zidane siblings was in Ibiza, where the family usually spends their holidays. “You are the best thing that ever happened to us. Happy two months my Sia”, writes Karen Goncalves in the commentary of her publication. And the day was particularly pleasant since the parents had chosen to do a sea trip aboard a magnificent boat for a day at sea under the sun of the Mediterranean Sea. A beautiful moment that obviously pleased Enzo since he commented on the publication of his future wife with a series of heart emojis.

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