Environmentalists met on Friday morning a few steps from the Ministry of Health after the revelations by franceinfo and “Le monde” on widespread contamination of the Nestlé group’s waters. They announce that they want to contact the European Commission and demand a ban on the sale of Nestlé bottles.
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They want the government to explain. The members of the Ecologists party do not intend to stop there after the revelations of franceinfo and The world concerning the waters of the Nestlé group. Environmentalists gathered on Friday April 5 near the Ministry of Health to denounce the Nestlé group’s mineral water health scandal.
Thursday April 4, franceinfo and The world revealed that an Anses report confirms widespread contamination with bacteria, pesticides, Pfas, of natural mineral water sources exploited by the Nestlé group in France and ensures that their health quality is not guaranteed.
The Environmentalists have therefore announced that they will contact the European Commission since Nestlé water bottles are sold throughout the Union. Above all, the party is outraged that the government was warned at the end of 2020 of this pollution. Since then, two reports from the health authorities have also been submitted to him, which shocks Cyrielle Chatelain, leader of the environmentalist deputies in the assembly. “We have a real doubt that we have culpable inaction, so the first thing we owe to all French people is transparency, transparency on the data, on the water they drink, so yes it is an essential first step”she explains.
Removal of bottles required
Environmentalists say water quality has been degraded “without notifying consumers”. So, while additional analyzes take place, Marine Tondelier, national secretary of the party, demands that all these bottles be removed from the shelves. “It already contains micro-plastics, but we are now learning that perhaps this water is of less good quality than tap water and that we are also being lied to about it while you pay 100 times more for it than your glass of tap water”she protests.
“I find it crazy that we have to fight for the truth in this country on a subject as serious as health.”
Marine Tondelier, national secretary The Ecologistsat franceinfo
Removing the bottles from the shelves is an unnecessary measure, according to Nestlé. The group claims to have strengthened the surveillance of its drilling under the control of the authorities and ensures that each bottle can be drunk in complete safety.
Not enough to convince the senators of the Socialist, Ecologist and Republican (SER) group who are also calling for the publication of the ANSES note and the creation of a commission of inquiry because, “this opacity must end”they write in a press release published Friday April 5.