environmentalist Yannick Jadot eliminated with 4.7% of the vote in the first round, according to our Ipsos-Sopra Steria estimate

Despite strong ambitions, the candidate of Europe Ecologie-Les Verts failed to qualify political ecology in the second round.

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The step was too high for Yannick Jadot. The candidate of Europe Ecology-The Greens (EELV) collects 4.7% votes in the 1st round of the 2022 presidential election, Sunday April 10, according to an Ipsos-Sopra Steria estimate for France Télévisions, Radio France, France24/RFI/MCD, Public Senate/LCP National Assembly and Le Parisien-Today in France. He won’t be in the second round.

>> Results, reactions, videos… Follow our live on the evening of the first round of the presidential election

Winner of the environmental primary in September 2021, the MEP failed to create a dynamic as promising as during the intermediate elections of the quinquennium. This score will have an effect on the party’s finances. Under 5%, only 800,000 euros can be reimbursed to him. Yannick Jadot launched an appeal for donations, as of Sunday evening, to continue the “indispensable fights” environmentalists.

Supported by EELV, Yannick Jadot tried to bring his camp together by proposing to build an ecology of government “who succeeds” and by making “the environment an absolute priority”. The MEP had notably said he was in favor of the transition to a non-renewable seven-year term, the recruitment of 65,000 teachers or even the exit from nuclear power between 2040 and 2050.

In his speech on Sunday evening, the defeated candidate lamented the low place occupied by environmental issues in the first-round campaign. “It is an understatement to say that these vital issues for our country, for us and our children, have been largely ignored in this confiscated campaign”he launched.

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