“Environmental issues take up a minimal place in presidential debates”

Every day, Manon Mella gives voice to young people aged 18-30. Monday, February 21, meeting with Alice, 19, student at Sciences Po Nancy.

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Reading time : 1 min.

Alice, 19, is a student at Sciences Po Nancy. Along with other comrades, she decided to start an online petition titled “Youth appeal to presidential candidates“. In this petition, the students ask “the future president or the future president of the Republic to be ambitious on climate and biodiversity issues“.

For Alice, presidential programs and debates are not sufficiently centered on ecology, a major concern of young people. “After going to see the film “Animal” by Cyril Dion, we got together and we said to each other that we had to get involved and do something. We have observed that environmental issues take up a minimal place in the presidential debates.

With this petition, Alice wants to urge candidates to listen “their cry of alarm“. No matter who wins the presidential election, she asks for an ambitious position on climate issues.

“I feel like my ideas aren’t represented enough.”

The young political science student, Alice is not tired of politics. “I am very excited to be able to vote. 2022 will be my first elections and I can’t wait“.

Less than two months from the first round of the presidential election, Alice is still “in the dark“. What could help him make his choice would be precisely to hear more from all the candidates on ecological issues. “It is precisely this claim that I am making with this petition. It is the fact of being able to make ecology visible in the public debate so that everyone can make an informed choice.“.

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