Environmental engineering consulting | Quebecois Englobe acquires a second firm in Alberta

Quebec-based environmental engineering consulting firm Englobe makes another growth acquisition in Western Canada; his second in as many months, and his third in Canada outside Quebec since the start of the year.

Martin Vallieres

Martin Vallieres

This time, Englobe acquires the Alberta firm MPE, specializing in “municipal engineering, water resources and buildings”. MPE has 230 employees among its 11 offices located between British Columbia and Manitoba.

According to Englobe management, “MPE’s range of services fits naturally into our current municipal infrastructure service offering. “Also,” this acquisition of MPE contributes significantly to the expansion of our business in Western Canada and will serve as a platform for our continued growth across Canada. ”

Both privately owned companies, Englobe and MPE do not disclose the financial terms of their transaction.

But in a statement to La Presse, Englobe co-chair Mike Cormier said he and his management team “are particularly impressed with MPE’s leading expertise in water resources engineering. It will be an excellent complement to our own strengths and services in order to become a Canadian leader with this expertise. ”

With this acquisition of MPE, which is in addition to that of the firm Prostatix ​​also in Alberta in October, Englobe will have more than 2,800 employees spread over a network of 69 activity sites in Canada and five others in the United Kingdom and in France. .

With revenues approaching 400 million per year, Englobe is on its third expansion acquisition completed this year alone, and the seventh in three years.

Encompasses at a glance

  • Activities: consulting engineering in environmental and contaminated soil treatment projects
  • Headquarters: Quebec
  • Workforce: around 2,800 employees (Canada, France, United Kingdom)
  • Turnover: around 400 million
  • Shareholding: ONCAP investment fund (Onex Corp, Toronto), Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec, approximately 200 management employees
  • Year of foundation: 2006 (merger of SMEs by the ONCAP Onex fund)

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