About ten environmental activists from the Last Generation group have been blocking access to the Montreal-Trudeau International Airport landing stage since 10 a.m., causing a traffic jam at the entrance. They are disrupting traffic at the airport in support of the “non-proliferation of fossil fuels.”
Three activists stuck their hands to the asphalt of the landing stage, blocking access for over an hour. Airport security and the Montreal Police Department (SPVM) are redirecting traffic to the landing stage, where a rush-hour-sized traffic jam has built up.
Photo: Felix Pedneault Le Devoir
Three activists against the proliferation of fossil fuels stuck their hands to the asphalt of the landing stage, blocking access for more than an hour.
“Our government is doing nothing while they approve new oil and gas projects,” says Last Generation activist Jillian Graham in English, her hand pressed to the ground.
To those who would say that the traffic jams caused by the activist action increase greenhouse gas emissions, she responds: “We have tried everything, our governments have done nothing, so we are taking action with people from other countries.”
“It’s not my favorite activity to be stuck to the floor on a Wednesday,” she adds.

Photo: Felix Pedneault Le Devoir
A rush-hour traffic jam has built up at the airport.
In a statement, Last Generation claims its move is coordinated with other militant groups in the United Kingdom, Germany, Finland and Norway, which are also disrupting international airport operations.
Further details will follow.
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