Environmental activist Greta Thunberg arrested in Denmark during pro-Palestinian action

The 21-year-old activist took part in an action on Wednesday calling for a boycott of Israeli universities.



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Environmental activist Greta Thunberg during an action in Tysvaer, Norway, on August 24, 2024. (JAN KAARE NESS / NTB / AFP)

Greta Thunberg and a group of pro-Palestinian activists were briefly arrested on Wednesday, September 4, after occupying a building at the University of Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark, several Danish media reported. The aim of the action: to call for a boycott of Israeli universities.

The 21-year-old environmental activist appears in images wearing a black and white keffiyeh – a headscarf emblematic of the Palestinian cause – on her shoulders, escorted out of the building by police. Greta Thunberg posted photos on Instagram of riot police entering a building where the group “Students Against the Occupation” was protesting.

The six people were released several hours later, the spokesman told AFP, and videos published by Extra Bladet showed Greta Thunberg leaving the police station.

“While the situation in Palestine deteriorates, the University of Copenhagen continues to cooperate with academic institutions in Israel”denounced the group “Students Against the Occupation” in a message on Instagram. “We occupy” the premises “from the central administration of the university with a demand: an academic boycott immediately”.

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