Environment | Legault is paternalistic and divided, denounce the PQ and QS

(Joliette and Rimouski) CAQ leader François Legault is paternalistic and divides Quebecers by saying that it is “unfortunate” that young people care so much about the environment, denounce Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois and Paul St-Pierre Plamondon.

Posted at 12:20 p.m.

Charles Lecavalier

Charles Lecavalier
The Press

Hugo Pilon Larose

Hugo Pilon Larose
The Press

Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois accuses the outgoing Prime Minister, François Legault, of acting as if he knows their priorities better than young people. The co-spokesperson for Québec solidaire (QS) jumped on Sunday when he read François Legault’s statement in the Québecor media. “What I find unfortunate is that for young people, the priority shouldn’t just be the environment, it should be education,” said the CAQ leader.

“What paternalism,” thundered Mr. Nadeau-Dubois passing through Rimouski.

“Young people don’t need to be told what to think by François Legault. They need a prime minister who listens to them. François Legault finds it unfortunate that the priority of young people is the environment. Do you know what is unfortunate? [C’est] that Quebec was governed for four years by someone who thinks he knows better than young people [leurs] priorities,” he said. He believes that the “main threat to our collective future” is “climate change”.

For PQ leader Paul St-Pierre Plamondon, it is clear that François Legault is trying to divide on the issue of the environment with this statement.

“As if we couldn’t be concerned about education at the same time as taking care of the environment,” retorted Mr. St-Pierre Plamondon. “I really distance myself from all attempts to divide, to pit Montreal against Quebec, those who care about the environment and those who care about education, that’s not how we do politics,” he said.

He also criticizes François Legault for completely closing the door to giving 2 billion per year to Quebec cities to prepare for climate change, even as the Îles-de-la-Madeleine are ravaged by the storm. Fiona.


Another statement by François Legault in his interview startled Paul St-Pierre Plamondon. “It’s tricky immigration, it’s tricky to talk about immigration, there are some who quickly have fun making amalgams,” said the chief caquiste.

“I am overwhelmed by this statement. Barely a few months ago, it was a question of the survival of the Quebec nation to repatriate powers over immigration. A few months later, it’s too delicate a subject to talk about,” lamented the PQ leader.

“You have to read between the lines, it’s too delicate a subject because he knows very well that he won’t get anything [d’Ottawa]. The problem is that we cannot trust the statements of François Legault. He is able to say it’s a question of survival of the nation, and after saying I don’t touch that anymore, we don’t talk about it anymore, ”he added.

He believes that the subject of immigration is not too sensitive to talk about it during the election campaign, but that it is rather François Legault who is not able to talk about it properly.

Same story for the liberal leader Dominique Anglade. ” This is [François Legault] which means that he is not able to address these issues, ”she lamented. “If he approached the subject of immigration, the subject of women with openness, he would not have these issues. When we talk about a modern economy, when we talk about the future, about a vision, we have to be able to talk about the fight against climate change, women in our economy, immigration , we have to be able to tackle these issues. I never make the economy of not tackling these issues head-on,” she said.

With the collaboration of Fanny Lévesque, The Press

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