Environment: internal changes to reduce travel times


Video duration:
3 mins

Environment: internal changes to reduce travel times

Environment: internal changes to reduce travel times – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – S. Faydel, L. Le Moigne, L. Beneyton

France Televisions

Companies offer internal transfers in order to reduce the travel time of their employees. Example in the Paris region.

Jeanne’s new life Andong. HAS 7:30 a.m. In the morning, she leaves home to go to work. She travels 30 minutes a day, compared to five hours a few weeks ago. She ensures:Honestly, it’s life-changing. (…) It’s much, much better. Jane Andong still works for the same hypermarket brand, but was transferred to be closer to her home.

A shorter commute to work

Theye simply trains in the specifics of the store. At the start, Jeanne Andong had been hired in Villebon-sur-Yvette (Essonne). When her second child was born, she had to move. His journeys became long and difficult. Today, she works close to home.

Jeanne’s situation Andong is far from isolated. In this hypermarket chain, in a few weeks, 15 employees have already changed assignment. 15 will soon follow.We have 15% of our employees who potentially have a store closer to their home“, explains Denis Charmthe human resources director of Auchan Île-de-France. A young company helps large groups to relocate its volunteer employees. The action is significant for the climate, but also for purchasing power and personal life.

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