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Tuesday, November 8, returning from COP 27, Emmanuel Macron received companies from 56 particularly polluting sites. Cement, gas, oil and glass manufacturers alone account for 10% of C02 emissions in France. The state offers them a give-and-take.
Highly polluting CO2-laden fumes are a common sight in industrial sites. In a chemical factory in Le Havre (Seine-Maritime), there are 800,000 tonnes of CO2 released each year. So, to pollute less, the management built a biomass incinerator. Other projects are planned from 2024. For example, substances used in pipes will be replaced by a more environmentally friendly water-based formula.
The goal is to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. It would be impossible to do it before. “All this does not happen in a few weeks. These are projects that take a large number of years. These projects are very expensive“, explains Johan Labby, director of the Yara factory in Gonfreville-l’Orcher (Seine-Maritime). In order to green the industry, Emmanuel Macron encouraged the leaders of 56 highly polluting sites to continue their efforts, in return for financial support.