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Is the wind farm off Fécamp related to the stranding of two whales on the beaches of the Normandy coast? This is the hypothesis put forward by certain environmental associations.
Two whales stranded in two days on the beaches of Seine-Maritime: a very emaciated rorqual nearly 20 meters long Saint-Valery-en-Caux, and a 3-meter minke whale To Veules-les-Roses. The association for the defense of the oceans Sea Shepherd calls for an investigation. For her, the cetaceans could have been disoriented by the noise pollution generated by the wind farm in Fecamp40 km away.
“It can be disorienting”
For the scientists, it is impossible to affirm it, even if they note that certain strandings are related to the human activities and the underwater noises. “It can disorient, lead individuals not to feed, disrupt their relationship with their environment, change habitats.says Jean-Luc Jung, director of the Dinard Marine Station. The main causes of groundings are natural death and collision accidents. Each year, between two and ten whales are found died along the French coasts.