Environment: a summer camp cleans the banks of the Célé river by canoe-kayak


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In the Lot, the teenagers of a summer camp combine relaxation and usefulness by cleaning the banks of the river Cele aboard canoes-kayaks.

To Marcilhac-sur-Cele (Batch)the teenagers of a summer camp go canoeing, but they mostly scan the banks and the bed of the river Celelooking for trash. They spotted one that’s embedded in a tree. It is foam. Using a saw, the foam is removed and collected. To the lunch break, the loot from the garbage collected is already impressive. “Today we found an electric pole cable and a tractor tire”says Carla, a teenager who participates in this summer camp.

The teenagers who take part in this camp are between the ages of 14 and 17. For the environment, they must participate in the cleaning of the river. “I liked the idea of ​​cleaning up, while still having fun, because it’s a camp”says Florian. “When you see everything people throw away, it’s nonsense”regrets Luna. This colony has been organized by space for 15 years youth of the Great Figeac (Batch).

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