Video length: 2 min.
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This year, several people went to clean the Gardon. An operation to preserve nature by also involving the youngest.
Equipped with a garbage bag and a pair of gloves, a user scans the banks of the Gardon (gard) in search of every waste. In one morning, his bag is already full. “We mainly find plastic packaging, cans, bottles…“, counts the latter. To clean the river in depth, some get into the water and more particularly in canoes. A canoe-kayak rental company has lent his boats for the afternoon. “It allows you to see from the water itself, which degrades the landscape. It’s another perspective. Sometimes it also allows you to see particularly large things at the bottom of the water which must also be picked up.“, details a participant.
“The river is not a trash can”
More youth also participate and for some, seeing waste is revolting. “The river is not a trash can. We’re not here to litter, we’re here to to take a walk“, drop one of them. This year, there is little litter on the banks due to theabsence of floods, which usually bring back a lot of waste from the upstream river, but also a change in mentality.