Entry into force of Law 73 | Quebec expands its assisted procreation program

(Quebec) Quebec abandons several criteria for access to the tax credit for the treatment of infertility with the entry into force of Bill 73, which already provides for the return of free access for an in vitro fertilization cycle (IVF). ) for infertile couples hoping to start a family.

Fanny Levesque

Fanny Levesque

The Legault government says it wants to “make it easier” for future parents in their efforts to start a family by extending the tax credit for those who are not eligible for the new program of the Minister for Health and Social Services, Lionel Carmant .

Anything that is not covered by the public program becomes eligible for the tax credit. For example, under the current criteria, a couple who had children before the start of treatment for which fees were paid could not claim a tax refund. The same goes for a spouse who has undergone surgical sterilization by vasectomy or tubal ligation.

These conditions of access to the tax credit will no longer be, announced Wednesday the Minister Carmant and the Minister of Finance, Eric Girard. Quebec may also offer a tax credit to couples who are attempting a second cycle of IVF or for a woman who is not old enough to access the public program.

The refundable tax credit for the treatment of infertility will make it possible to offset, depending on family income, between 80% and 20% of eligible expenses, which may not exceed an annual amount of $ 20,000.

Law 73 re-establishes free access for “a single cycle of IVF”, which includes ovarian stimulation services, egg retrieval, a sperm straw, freezing and storage of gametes and embryos for a maximum. one year.

In the new version of the law, assisted reproduction services for artificial insemination and IVF will be provided for women aged 18 and over and those under the age of 41, it says in the piece of legislation. For the last frozen embryo transfer only, a woman may be 42 years old. Law 73 also reduces the number of artificial inseminations covered by the RAMQ from nine to six.

Presented in November 2020, the An Act to amend various provisions relating to assisted procreation was adopted in March 2021. It will come into force on November 15.

The cost of the new public program is estimated at 42 million per year for approximately 3,500 annual requests. The costs associated with the implementation of the tax credit reach $ 6 million per year.

For next year, Quebec is preparing to receive at least 7,000 reimbursement requests for a first cycle of IVF.

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