“Entourage”, an application to help vulnerable people in their neighborhood



Video length: 7 min

Solidarity: “Entourage”, an application to help vulnerable people in your neighborhood

Solidarity: “Entourage”, an application to help vulnerable people in your neighborhood – (France 2)

With “Entourage”, it is possible to participate in maraudes or activities in order to create bonds, particularly with homeless people in your neighborhood.

The “Entourage” application aims to create links, on a neighborhood scale, with precarious people and residents of the same neighborhood. So, several people signed up for a marauding. In small groups, they go to meet the homeless people in the neighborhood. The goal is to start a conversation. This application allows residents of the neighborhood to organize activities such as marauding, football matches, board games, but also to help each other. It’s about weaving a network to help the most precarious, according to Marie-Flore Leclerq, general director of the “Entourage” application.

Another application dedicated to retirees

These tools that create connections are also valuable for retirees, who need to recreate a network. “For this, there is an application that works very well, it is called ‘the Colette club’. It allows us to participate in activities around our home. It’s interactive: you can be the organizer or just participate“, indicates journalist Valérie Heurtel, present on the 13 Heures set, Monday February 12. The application is free, allows you to meet people and is reserved for those over 50.

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