Entente Sportive Guérétoise wins its match against Poitiers and goes up to National 3

“It was a very important match. We absolutely had to win. We had our destiny in our hands, and victory suits me very well”, testifies Claude Morelle, the president of the Entente Sportive Guérétoise, a big smile on his ears. And he has much to be proud of! The Entente won their last game of the season against Poitiers, 1-0, this Saturday, May 28 at the Léo Lagrange stadium.

Entente Guérétoise in National 3

It was Théo Marques who scored the decisive goal in the 35th minute. A victory like no other for the Creuse club. Thanks to this game, the Entente Sportive Guérétoise goes from Regional 1 to National 3. This is historic for the players, the supporters as well as for the leaders: it had not happened in 1995! The Creuse club had then left the National in 1997, and had not returned there since. “These are real emotions, especially for these young people who have been with the club for the most part since they were very young and who have gone through all the age categories, continues Claude Morelle. So it’s a real pleasure to see them at this level. “

The Entente Guérétoise therefore becomes the only Limousin club to be in the National Division.

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