Enrico Macias evokes the end of his career: “If there is no more that, I’m finished, I’m screwed”

Enrico Macias is a musical juggernaut. The singer has been on stage for 60 years now and after so many years, his passion, like the admiration that his fans have for him, has not waned. At 83, he still has as much energy. At the beginning of April, he will go back on stage for two dates in the mythical Parisian hall of the Olympia, where the 47th Cesar ceremony took place the previous week. A challenge he sees as a way of continuing to live. Faced with Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine, he did not hide that the idea of ​​continuing to sing and bring his music to life was his driving force not to sink: “I’m glad to still be here, to get up in the morning, to say I have a TV show. If there’s no more of that, I’m finished, I’m screwed“. The idea of ​​a retirement does not even cross his mind. If Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine does not want to believe in the end of the career of Enrico Macias, the latter either. He “don’t hope anyway“: “It’s a great privilege, a very great chance to have reached my age, to redo the Olympia at my age… What do you want me to tell you? It’s a great chance, thank you God!

Enrico Macias can be happy to have come to this today. Because a few months ago, his state of health did not allow him to consider such projects. After contracting Covid-19, the interpreter ofChildren from all countries was the victim of a heavy fall, resulting in emergency hospitalization. Hours later, he was in surgery after doctors found he had broken his femoral neck: “I then spent two months in a hospital room. I slept a lot, but badly, because I was woken up early in the morning for treatments. I was so exhausted I couldn’t even watch TVhe admitted. To be honest, I also experienced moments of strong depression“confided the actor of Family Business at Evening Mag in September 2020.

This complicated episode in his life did not taint the good humor and legendary optimism of Enrico Macias. During the same interview, the singer relativized: “There was the Algerian war, the insurrection, the FLN attacks. I had to say goodbye to my native land at the time of independence, without knowing what I was going to become. There was also the illness and death of Suzy, my wife, and many other things. In the midst of all these hardships, I have always sung hope and, in my life, I have never lost it!“He will never lose it.

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