[Enquête] 3R Valorisation collects unpaid invoices

3R Valorisation, which is currently considering selling its assets, is collecting unpaid invoices, discovered The duty by going through public notarial deeds. Among the many creditors, we find the City of Montreal East, which last September filed a notice of sale for unpaid property taxes for the year 2021 (see box).

This fall, Revenu Québec registered a legal hypothec for an unpaid sum of $519,000. Ditto for the Business Development Bank of Canada, which claimed unpaid sums reaching $76,000.

In addition, in December 2020, Laurentian Bank sold a 3R Valorisation mortgage loan of more than $760,000 to businessman Lior Azerad. Now a municipal councilor for the City of Côte-Saint-Luc, Mr. Azerad then became the holder of a mortgage of more than one million dollars bearing an annual interest rate of 12%.


This is the total of the amounts unpaid by 3R Valorisation claimed by the Business Development Bank of Canada.

At To have to, Mr. Azerad concedes having considered getting involved in the company, but “I decided to just lend and now I am only a creditor”. Asked about the company’s debts and repeated environmental shortcomings, he replies: “That’s exactly it, I’m trying to protect my debt and get out. […] I’m trying to sort this out as soon as possible. Just like the lawyer for 3R Valorisation, Mr.e Karl-Emmanuel Harrison also confirms the company’s steps to dispose of its assets.

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