Enough of this complacent left!

I find pitiful and irresponsible the vision of things of a certain left concerning the tragedy that Iranian women are living, and the echo that this news finds among us. His relentlessness in not wanting to call a spade a spade is staggering.

About the hijab, this enlightened left, through its chronicles, articles, political speeches, interviews, prefers to speak of the “simple hijab”, of “false problem”, of the right to wear “clothing”, to say that it is ” useless to fight windmills”, here, in Quebec, obviously by discrediting Bill 21 on secularism. And to go there with this nebulous remark, heard on state radio last Monday from the very mouth of a feminist: “in the street, ‘prohibit or allow’ […] the veil, “it is the same thing”; the veil “is not only a symbol of submission”. Oh good ?

The obliteration of women’s bodies and the repression of their sexuality are never questioned with regard to the wearing of the veil. The veil is for these good people a cultural marker like any other, and those who wear it have the right to wear it.

I will therefore demonstrate on October 22 to support the revolt and the courage of those who risk their lives in order to create a space where Reason, progress and happiness are non-negotiable values, universal values. As well as the right to dispose of one’s body. And I won’t be afraid if certain wits accuse me of being this or that, because I find their vision of things shameful, their forgetfulness of the suffering of women.

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