Enora Malagré suffering from endometriosis, this virulent message which shocked her enormously!

Like many stars, Enora Malagré is very active on her social networks. The opportunity for his followers to discover his daily life far from the spotlight. Thanks to her notoriety, the former columnist of TPMP brilliantly defends countless causes close to his heart. For several years, Enora Malagré has been fighting to raise public awareness about endometriosis. A chronic disease from which she suffered for a long time. The actress has written a book on this subject: “A cry from the belly”, published by editions The Duke. Victim of excruciating pain during her period, Enora Malagré has been forced to stay at home to rest on several occasions. The young woman comes back from afar. “At the time of TPMP, I had up to three miscarriages per year: it took my life! When I’m in a crisis, I can be out for forty-eight hours “, she revealed in the columns of Paris Match in 2017.

To relieve this pain that is eating away at her, Enora Malagré ended up considering hysterectomy (removal of the uterus editor’s note). “I’m at such a stage that people start talking to me when I am 36 years old of hysterectomy. I won’t hide from you that it scares me and that psychiatrically speaking to consider no longer having a uterus at my age, already that it is complicated to have children, that would be depression ”, analyzed the host for Europe 1 the same year.

In good times as in bad times, the pretty blonde can happily count on the support of her community. Unfortunately, it sometimes suffers malicious comments from a few Internet users. This Thursday, December 9, 2021 via her story, Enora Malagré relayed a comment she received in a recent publication. We could read: “At least since they gutted you like a turkey, we’re sure you won’t reproduce and believe me, it’s admirable for the human species. The table bin ”. A post which had the merit of shocking the main concerned. “And then receive this kind of violence !!! Wow… You have to be solid anyway ”, she captioned not without emotion. A message which since seems to have been deleted …


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