Enola (Star Academy) balances on her intimate life with her boyfriend!

This is the last straight line for academics. Saturday, November 19, all candidates except Louis (already qualified at the end of the evaluations) will compete to try to win their place in the final…

Like all his “Star Academy” comrades, Enola is therefore already in full preparation for the penultimate bonus of the season. A bonus under high tension which fortunately does not prevent the young woman from decompressing. The proof, during a conversation with Chris, the latter even confided in her private life with her companion.

Indeed, the one who is nominated alongside Léa, Anisha, Tiana and Chris this week referred to her intimate life with her Jules, referring more particularly to their shy beginnings: “There is one evening, we see each other and he is going to do something, which I find incredible. He had the opportunity to conclude, and in fact he said to me ‘No in fact I don’t feel like it, I just want to take you in my arms’. In the end, we spend the night together, we sleep, in an almost friendly way in fact”, she confides, before continuing: “There was nothing crazy for at least a month, it took time, not because we didn’t want to… I would have to ask him why he took this long. […] A month is not huge when it’s your first love, when it’s the beginning, when you have physical and emotional blockages but we, there were no blockages, we were very happy in our life . There was nothing, there was no modesty”confided the academician to her comrade Chris.

Very personal conversations that testify to his friendship with the first finalist of the season!

See also: Carla (Star Academy): she leaves France!


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