OGC Nice defender Flavius Daniliuc had competition this Thursday in the courtyard of Terra Amata school in Nice. Surrounded by around twenty pupils from the Côte d’Azur, the Austrian ran for a quarter of an hour in the schoolyard to launch Operation Daily Mile in Nice. This program dedicated to children, already present in 13,500 schools around the world, is therefore arriving on the Côte d’Azur, supported by Ineos and OGC Nice. The concept ? Encourage children to walk or run for fifteen minutes a day (the equivalent of a mile).
Nice first city in the Alpes-Maritimes to join the Daily Mile
To launch the operation, also supported by the city of Nice and the Academic Inspectorate, Flavius Daniliuc was not the only sponsor present. The director of football of the Ineos group Bob Ratcliffe but also the president of the Gym Jean-Pierre Rivère were able to encourage the young people courageous from the Terra Amata school to complete their sporting quarter of an hour. “It is an operation which was launched in 2012 by a teacher in Scotland and which today concerns more than three million children in the world, “ explains Jean-Pierre Rivère. “Ineos supports this program and we at OGC Nice are also mobilizing for causes like these. There is nothing better at school and in France we have to invest in this direction. Through sport, children learn great values.“
Beneficial health results
Over three million children around the world practice the Daily Mile and the results appear to be positive for their health. “The Daily Mile is beneficial for the health and cognitive abilities of our children,“confirms François Carré, professor at Rennes University Hospital. The Daily Mile does not require a warm-up and teachers are free to choose what time they deem most relevant during the day to complete this quarter of an hour. activity. In Nice 73 primary schools will participate in this Daily Mile operation.
– Alexandre Mottot