Energy voucher 2023: how to benefit from it?

Faced with the rise in energy prices (+15%), more and more French households are weakened. To offset these expenses and help the most modest households, the Minister of Energy Transition Agnès Pannier-Runacher announced this Monday, March 13 on RMC the return of energy checks.

Generalized in 2018 to replace social energy tariffs, the energy check is a financial aid introduced to help households pay for their energy costs (electricity, gas, liquefied petroleum, wood, fuel oil), but also certain energy works in their homes, eligible for MaPrimeRénov.

Did you know ? 5.8 million households are eligible for a new energy voucher, which represents 20% of households.

What are the eligibility conditions?

The energy check is allocated subject to means testing. The amount is calculated according to the reference tax income per consumption unit (RFR/UC). To benefit from it, the RFR must be less than 10,800 euros for a single person and 16,200 euros for a couple (+3,240 euros per additional person in the household).

You can check your eligibility using the simulator offered by the Ministry of Ecological Transition.

What are the amounts?

The amount of the energy check varies from 48 to 277 euros per year depending on the level of income and the composition of the household. By using the simulator above, you will also know the amount of your energy check.

How to claim your energy voucher?

You don’t have to take any action. The automatic sending of energy checks by post will begin on April 21, 2023. Depending on the department, the deadlines may be longer. View the shipping schedule here.

How to use it ?

The energy check is not cashable. It must be used to settle expenses directly with energy suppliers.

Several options are available to you :

  1. Use your energy check online at
  2. Pay your expenses directly online according to the suppliers, without waiting for your next invoice (the check will be credited directly to your customer account);
  3. Request its pre-assignment so that the amount is automatically deducted from your invoice;
  4. Send their energy check by post to your energy supplier;
  5. Hand-deliver your energy check to a certified professional “recognized environmental guarantor” (RGE) to buy fuel or to undertake renovation work.

What is its validity period?

You can use your energy check until March 31, 2024.

Good to know : you have until March 31, 2023 to use the 2022 energy check.

What if you haven’t received it?

Are you eligible and still haven’t received your energy check at the end of June? Here are the two solutions available to you:

  1. Fill in and send the complaint form online, on the site dedicated to the energy check. The subject of the request should be ” Dispute – Non-receipt “.
  2. Call the dedicated green number, 0 805 204 805 (Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.).

Did you know ? There are other exceptional aids, to be claimed depending on your situation. Fuel oil energy voucher, wood energy voucher… Consult these schemes here.


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