Energy sobriety: Pascal Canfin recommends going to “check” that “large shopping centers apply the new rules”

Pascal Canfin, Macronist MEP and President of the Environment Committee of the European Parliament, said on Sunday, September 25 in the program Questions Politiques on France Inter, in favor of the government going “check that large supermarkets and large shopping centers apply the new rules“of energy sobriety.

>> Energy crisis: we visited Breton municipalities at the forefront of sobriety

The government’s objective is to spend the winter avoiding the “blackout” in the midst of an energy crisis in the context of the war in Ukraine and global warming. “I have no problem with the idea that you have to go and check that the big supermarkets and the big shopping centers apply the new rules, that is to say no air conditioning in the summer at 14 or 15 degrees, c is nonsense, no heating at 25° in winter, etc. I don’t see how it’s particularly liberticidal“, he declares.

Name me one time in France in our history where we did it. We never did. The left was in government, the right was in government, the center was in government and no one ever did. Let’s start doing this“, he says.

The MEP suggested that Linky meters could also play a regulatory role: “With Linky meters, we can manage flows and we are able to know whether or not you are at 19°, 22°, etc. So that means we can have a dialogue…“, he advances.

According to expert analysis, “if we do that, it passes. That is, we won’t have a blackout. We won’t have to ration“, he assures. The objective of the government in the short term “is to pass the winter without suddenly rationing“, he recalls. “So we organize sobriety, so we count on everyone. There is obviously an issue of collective mobilization“, he says finally.

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