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Friday July 15, Sandrine Rousseau, Member of Parliament for Europe Ecology-The Greens of Paris, is the guest “4 Truths” on France 2. She returns in particular to the statements of Emmanuel Macron the day before.
The deputy Europe Écologie-Les Verts de Paris, Sandrine Rousseau, is the guest of the “4 Truths” of France 2, Friday July 15. She returns to the interview with Emmanuel Macron, Thursday, July 14, in which the President of the Republic said that he wanted to reform pensions, but that it would be necessary to negotiate: “Emmanuel Macron has not changed his line one iota. (…) That is all the duplicity of the President of the Republic, it is that he calls for compromise when he himself is not ready to do so”.
Sandrine Rousseau also returns to the call for energy sobriety launched by Emmanuel Macron: “Yes, you need sobriety. Afterwards, when he says that you have to turn off the lights at 7 p.m., I want to tell him that it’s not quite sobriety. (…) The industry needs an enormous, very structured renovation plan for its processes, to change the consumption of the machines.”
Finally, the MP returns to the climatic hazards that affect France, in particular drought and heat waves: “We are in an extremely serious situation in terms of the environment. We can see it with the fires starting everywhere.“ Asked about the opening of a preliminary investigation against the deputy La France insoumise Éric Coquerel for “sexual harassment and assault”, Sandrine Rousseau believes that it “he must not chair the meetings of the Finance Committee during the investigation”.