Energy sobriety, defense council, National Council for Refoundation … Olivier Véran’s “8:30 franceinfo”

Olivier Véran, Minister Delegate to the Prime Minister, in charge of Democratic Renewal and Government Spokesman, was the guest from “8:30 a.m. franceinfo”, Tuesday August 30, 2022. Energy sobriety, defense advice, National Council for Refoundation… He answers questions from Marc Fauvelle and Salhia Brakhlia.

Energy sobriety: the question of control and sanctions, a “very French” reflex

“It’s very French to immediately think about the question of control and sanctions when we call for a collective effort to face a collective challenge”believes Olivier Véran, when he was asked about the possibility of random checks in companies, to check whether they are making efforts to quickly reduce their energy consumption. “I call each [des entreprises] to establish, in September, its own sobriety plan”indeed launched the Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, the day before.

“If everyone does not take his part […] we will have to impose reductions in consumption”also warned the Prime Minister, and “if we were to come to rationing, the companies would be the first affected”. “Everything is possible, all scenarios are on the table”abounds Olivier Véran. “We are not in pessimism, we are in a lucid discourse”he said.

Defense Council devoted to energy: “Transparency will be the key and will be the rule”

“Transparency will be the key and will be the rule”assures the spokesman of the government while a defense council devoted to the supply of gas and electricity to France will take place on Friday, September 2. “These are collegial, collective decisions”insists Olivier Véran who recalls having participated “to more than a hundred defense counsel”, while these meetings organized behind closed doors are regularly questioned by the opposition. Since the start of the Covid pandemic, the government has regularly used it to make important decisions.

“There will be regular communications, I don’t know what form it will take yet, but it’s essential to share it”assures the government spokesperson. “Don’t see it as a secret forum for discussion”he assures.

National Council for Refoundation: Gérard Larcher’s refusal to participate raises questions

“I find it hard to understand that we can refuse the outstretched hand to come and talk and discuss”declares Olivier Véran, after Gérard Larcher’s refusal to participate in the National Council for Refoundation (CNR), as revealed by franceinfo. “I think that this body cannot achieve the renovation of democracy to which you aspire”, indeed affirmed the president of the Senate in a letter addressed to Emmanuel Macron. The CNR, wanted by the Head of State, must be launched on September 8th.

“It is not a question of asking him to vote for something, we are asking him to come and listen with us to what the experts have to tell us, and to say the ways and means that he is ready to implement in order to be able to pull us collectively upwards”, adds Olivier Véran. According to him, the executive “keep reaching out”.


Find the entire “8:30 am franceinfo” of Tuesday August 30, 2022:

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