Energy policy, mega-basin in Sainte-Soline… What to remember from the interview with Edwige Diaz

Edwige Diaz, RN deputy for Gironde, was the guest of “8:30 a.m. franceinfo”, Tuesday, November 1, 2022. Energy policy, mega-basin in Sainte-Soline … She answered questions from Lorrain Sénéchal and Neila Latrous.

Energy policy: “We must reinvest massively in nuclear power”

In the National Assembly, the National Rally voted Monday, October 31 with the left 12 billion euros in additional credits for thermal renovation. Money that Edwige Diaz imagines saving by stopping building wind turbines. “Thermal renovation is a priority. At the RN, we are fiercely opposed to the installation of wind turbines which clearly disfigures our landscapes, which face massive rejection from the populations.”

Wind turbines represent 16% of French electricity production, the second largest share after nuclear. Yes, but “it is very expensive for French taxpayers”tempers Edwige Diaz. “Whether it’s wind turbines or photovoltaic panels, these are energies that are highly subsidized, and therefore cost the public finances very dearly. We say: we must reinvest massively in nuclear energy.”

The RN MP regrets the “Emmanuel Macron’s reversals” who has “closes Fessenheim”. “We could have made savings on that side.” The RN will not vote “a priori” the next law on renewable energies which plans to facilitate the installation of new wind turbines, suggests Edwige Diaz.

Sainte-Soline: Edwige Diaz asks Gérald Darmanin “why he did nothing to prevent the installation” of opponents

Edwige Diaz visited the gendarmes on Saturday evening October 29 in Sainte-Soline (Deux-Sèvres) to support them. “I ask Gérald Darmanin: why did he do nothing to prevent this installation?” The member for Gironde believes that the Minister of the Interior “always speaks very loudly, but behind it does not do much”. The elected RN prefers the term “eco-radicals” to the one “ecoterrorism”.

Mega-basin project in Sainte-Soline: allowing “food sovereignty”

Regarding mega-basin projects, Edwige Diaz believes that the priority is to allow “food sovereignty”. She asks “a time for farmers to adapt”. And to cultivate, “we must irrigate”proclaims MP RN. “It’s a question of common sense. Yes, the crops need water. If we don’t produce any more corn, we will import it. From where? From Brazil? Where they put GMOs, where they water without regulation, where they do anything?” Faced with the risk of pumping groundwater in the summer, Edwige Diaz asks for checks “so that there is no drift”.


Find the entire “8:30 franceinfo” of Tuesday, November 1:

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