Energy in Quebec: the PLQ wants a national consultation

The Liberal Party of Quebec (PLQ) wants the National Assembly to launch a national conversation on the future of energy in Quebec.

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This national conversation would focus on “current and future energy needs and the public investments that will be necessary in the coming decades” to achieve the energy transition and achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.

In a press release published Monday morning, the party explains that the traveling commission would consult the population, but also experts throughout the province so that a report is made by the end of 2023.

“It should imperatively visit all regions of Quebec and the Aboriginal nations should be consulted and stakeholders in the process. In addition, the commission would be co-chaired by a member from the government and one from the official opposition,” said the PLQ.

“I call on the government for greater transparency in this essential file for the future of Quebec. We need a real national conversation on this very important subject that will mark the coming decades, both economically and in the fight against climate change,” said Marc Tanguay, Leader of the Official Opposition.

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