Energy: “in no case will we let electricity and gas bills soar”, says Aurore Bergé



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Dawn Bankpresident of the Renaissance group in the National Assembly, is the guest of “4 Truths” on France 2, Wednesday August 31.

Wednesday August 31, the president of the Renaissance group in the National Assembly, Aurore Bankis the guest of “4 Truths” on France 2. It reconsiders the decision of the Board ofState, Tuesday, August 30, to give the green light to the expulsion of Imam Hassan Iquioussenwhich is not found: “I believe that law enforcement in our country will, of course, succeed in allowing this expulsion. Dawn Bank then goes back to the tariff shield on gas and electricity, which will end at the end of the year, and explains that this shield “the fact that the French, unlike all our neighbours, have not seen their bill increase by 30%, 50%, 80% [comme] in some countries”.

“Under no circumstances will we let the electricity and gas bills soar”says Aurora Bank. Should the superprofits of big business be taxed? “Our line has never been more taxes, neither for the French, nor for businesses”, she answers. “There is no taboo in considering taxation tomorrow if large companies in particular do not make the necessary efforts, both on the question of price and purchasing power, but also on the question of the power of purchase of their employees”she adds.

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