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To cope with the rise in gas prices caused by the war in Ukraine, Germany decided on Wednesday August 24 to lower the heating in certain public buildings, as explained by journalist Laurent desbonnets from Berlin, Thursday 25 August.
The war in Ukraine causes gas prices to soar. To deal with this, Germany announced on Wednesday August 24 that it was going to lower the heating in certain buildings. “Winter will be harsh in Germany: heating strictly limited to 19°C in schools, administrations, public buildings. The heating which will even have to be completely turned off in the common areas such as the corridors, and it will be impossible in all these buildings to wash your hands with hot water”reports the journalist Laurent desbonnets from Berlin (Germany)Thursday, August 25.
“Only hospitals are exempt from these measures, which should reduce gas consumption in Germany by 2%. But the government warns: this gas consumption should be reduced by 20% to avoid shortages this winter. Companies are therefore strongly encouraged to follow the movement: prohibition for example of illuminated advertisements from 10 p.m. As for individuals, at this stage there are no binding measures at the national level, apart from the ban from September 1 on heating all private swimming pools.concludes the journalist.