“End-of-year jars are not recommended in companies”, for the Minister for SMEs visiting Aix

It is also up to companies to ensure that they stop the spread of the virus. This is the government’s message asking companies to rigorously re-apply all health rules. Alain Griset, Minister for Small and Medium Enterprises is in the studios of France Bleu Provence this Monday.

France Bleu Provence: This is a new health protocol that is entering into force today in companies. Why is it essential to make employees understand that they absolutely must respect the health instructions in their workplace?

Alain Griset : First of all, we must explain to all French people that vaccination is something important and essential to successfully fight this virus and possibly look at how to slow it down. And in companies, entrepreneurs themselves naturally have an interest in ensuring that their employees can exercise their profession. So the health protocols that have been worked on and reworked must be applied on a very regular basis. I think that the employees understand it well themselves, but it is necessary to repeat it and to be vigilant.

Among the new measures of this sanitary protocol in companies: leave a minimum of 2 meters between two employees in the canteen, one meter between two people in a meeting, the premises must be ventilated for five minutes every hour. Do you think this is sustainable in the long term and at least in the medium term?

It is tenable because companies want more reconfirmation. There is really a very strong demand. Today’s activity is good and everyone has a real interest in ensuring that these barrier gestures are respected. so that you don’t have to go back. The political decision that the President of the Republic has taken is to say “the economy absolutely has to work“. And for that, we must all be united and vigilant.

End-of-year bribes in companies are clearly under threat. So, is it forbidden or only not recommended?

For the moment, it is not recommended since it is really necessary to take all the necessary measures to prevent the virus from spreading. This is a period during which we must remain extremely careful.

This morning you are visiting the santons market in Aix, for which the sanitary pass is not compulsory because the chalets are in a row. In Marseille, on the other hand, health pass required for the Christmas market and for the santons fair. Traders find it unjustified and unfair. What do you answer them?

“Between asking for the pass and having to close, I think there is no photo” – Alain Griset

I made a visit last Friday to the Christmas market in Lille. There was the compulsory health pass and that did not pose any difficulties, the traders were very satisfied to be able to work. I have talked a lot with restaurant owners for several months. Between asking for the pass and having to close, I think there is no photo. Everyone must help prevent the development of the virus, it is essential. Pass control lasts a few seconds, it is not something that blocks activity.

We are coming out of a Black Friday weekend and this afternoon you are supervising the Assises du commerce. Less than a month away from Christmas, what do you have for the consumer … “Massive meetings with merchants”?

“What we want is that everyone can take advantage of this period to have fun while respecting barrier gestures” -Alain Griset

Overall, we can see that there is an activity that has picked up very well. There are also a number of French people who have managed to save money. What we want is that everyone can take advantage of this period to have fun while respecting barrier gestures. There is this desire to relive a little normally. This translates into economic activity which is very interesting today since we have had growth of more than 6%, so this justifies the new efforts that we are asking for in terms of health so as not to break this dynamic. , justifies the new actions that demand new efforts, that we ask for in terms of health so as not to break this dynamic.

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