End of the strike at the FAE | Return to class on January 9 for Montreal students

The strike of the Autonomous Education Federation (FAE) officially ended, the two main school service centers in Montreal confirmed on Saturday that the return to class of students will indeed take place on January 9.

The day before, January 8, will be an educational day in the establishments of the Montreal School Service Center (CSSDM) and the Marguerite-Bourgeoys School Service Center (CSSMB), the two organizations indicated on Saturday.

This day should allow school teams to “prepare the harmonious return of students, including the learning catch-up plan”, specified the CSSDM in an email sent to parents on Saturday.

Preschool and primary school students already registered for childcare for this day will be able to be welcomed at their school, as planned, it is added.

The next day, dinner and catering services will be available as usual, as will the food support program. Parents of students attending secondary schools are, however, invited to plan a lunch for their children for the first day since service must gradually resume in the cafeterias.

As for school transportation, it will also be available, except for students whose service was already interrupted by a labor dispute with one of our private carriers. “A specific communication will be sent to parents affected by this situation,” indicates the CSSDM.

“The reopening of our schools is an opportunity for students to consolidate their learning and for us to pursue the most beautiful mission: to help them progress, flourish and succeed,” explains the CSSDM.

Future arrangements

At the CSSMB, it is indicated that “the modalities relating to the return to school (daycare, transportation, extracurricular activities, cafeteria, internships, etc.) and to the services offered at the primary level during the educational day of January 8 will be transmitted to the parents and adult students during the week of 1er January “.

For its part, the Laval CSS specified on Friday that it was still “taking note of the different modalities surrounding the return to class”. Details concerning the resumption of classes must be communicated “no later than January 5”, he announced, already confirming that January 8 will also be an educational day in his establishments.

Students attending schools in Greater Montreal experienced 22 days of strike due to pressure tactics unleashed by teachers from the Autonomous Education Federation at the end of November.

The union finally agreed with Quebec this week on the terms of a proposed global settlement which was submitted to its delegates, who then ratified it. In doing so, a formal agreement in principle was announced, which had the effect of suspending the pressure tactics.

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