End of the mandatory mask in Quebec

(Montreal) Wearing a face covering is no longer compulsory in public places in Quebec as of this Saturday, more precisely since 12:01 a.m., except in public transport and places where care is given, such as hospitals, CHSLDs and medical clinics.

Posted at 7:38

Wearing a mask is still recommended for vulnerable people, such as those who are elderly or have medical conditions that put them at risk.

If the mask has become optional in most public places in Quebec, the Minister of Health and Social Services, Christian Dubé, recalled Friday the importance of respecting the people who want to keep it, now that this habit is well established. after two years of pandemic.

Public health also recalls that wearing a face covering remains appropriate for people with COVID-19 so as not to infect those around them and generally five days following the period of isolation.

Relaxations expected in several sectors

On May 4, the acting national director of public health, Doctor Luc Boileau, specified that the obligation to wear a mask will also be lifted in early childhood centers (CPE), schools and school transport in from May 14.

In the workplace, the relaxation of sanitary measures includes “the lifting of a minimum distance of one meter between workers and physical barriers are no longer mandatory, although they remain recommended practices”, specifies the Commission. standards, equity, health and safety at work (CNESST) in a press release.

The same rules apply in restaurant dining rooms.

However, “quality masks should remain available in the workplace”, underlines the CNESST.

The mask in public transport

In public transport, as in buses, the metro, in taxis and even when carpooling, wearing a mask remains compulsory.


The health measures that apply to public transport include the ships of the Société des traversiers du Québec (STQ).

Thus, the wearing of face coverings remains mandatory in the interior spaces of ferries, the passenger lounge, bathrooms and closed decks for customers aged 10 and over.

Where the mask is recommended

Despite the relaxation of health measures, wearing a mask is strongly recommended at the dentist.

“Offices of specialist dentists offer essential services to the population and it is the duty of all our members to ensure a safe environment, for both employees and patients,” recalls Dr Philippe Martineau, President of the Federation of Specialist Dentists of Quebec (FDSQ).

In addition, the Association of immunodeficient patients of Quebec (APIQ) has also expressed its concerns.

She reminds that people with immune problems will have to continue to take the necessary precautions to avoid the risk of serious or even fatal consequences on their health. She asks the population to remain accommodating towards these people.

“We therefore call on Quebecers to remain vigilant and to become aware of the most vulnerable people around them. Whether by wearing the Immunoclip on their masks or on their clothes, or wearing the mask in public, these people must take precautions for their health,” said Geneviève Solomon, Director General of APIQ, by press release.

“The immunoclip, launched last spring, aimed to raise public awareness of the daily challenges of immunodeficient or immunosuppressed people,” explained Louis Sansfacon, creator of the product.

New wave on the horizon

The decision to remove the mandatory wearing of masks was taken because the indicators of COVID-19 have been declining for several days, whether it is the number of cases, the number of health workers who are positive , the number of hospitalizations, as well as absences of primary and secondary school students.

Quebec public health is still preparing for the arrival of a predictable seventh wave of coronavirus in the fall.

The possibility of reintroducing the compulsory wearing of a mask in the event of a new upsurge in cases is not currently being considered, specified Mr. Dubé.

“I think we are elsewhere in terms of protection. The variants have changed, our knowledge of all the factors that contribute to contamination means that if it were necessary to recommend it, I think it would be the right thing to do. But we’re not here right now,” he said.

Doctor Jean Longtin, microbiologist-infectiologist at the CHU de Québec-Université Laval, recently argued that Quebec was not immune to a new variant and that public health will then have to ask the same questions as for previous waves, about vaccine efficacy and natural immunity. He expects another vaccination campaign to be required at this time.

Luc Boileau said that Quebec will do everything to avoid a reintroduction of coercive health measures. He foresees that people will spontaneously have protective reflexes if there were to be situations that would require it.

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