End of the garbage strike in Marseille, FO votes to return to work

It’s Christmas before the hour for the Marseillais! Force Ouvrière announces the end of the garbage strike in Marseille. “The agents have just voted in GA to resume work”, confirms Patrick Rué, joined by France Bleu Provence. The boss Force Ouvrière of the territorial in the city and the Metropolis, has just signed the agreement on working time, already validated by the other unions for several days. Garbage collection resumed on Monday evening, assures Patrick Rué, without being able to specify the time needed to make the city clean.

A bonus of 100 euros per Sunday and public holiday worked

The text recognizes the arduousness of the profession of garbage collectors with a 15% discount on working time. The prefecture of Bouches-du-Rhône has two months to decide on the agreement. In addition, Force Ouvrière indicates additional progress achieved. “A bonus of 100 euros will now be paid for each Sunday and public holiday worked, specifies Patrick Rué. And the Metropolis is committed to harmonizing the premiums across all six territories, by next summer “. In addition, the agreement provides for “schedules adapted to take into account the covid”.

source site-38