end of the complementary phase this Friday

As of this Friday, students who have not had their wishes answered, or who have not obtained the desired training on the Parcoursup platform can no longer make new training wishes. The complementary phase opened on June 23 is over. More than 5,300 training courses were offered this year. In 2021, more than 82,000 candidates had received a proposal admission to a course of their choice at the end of this phase, indicates the official Parcoursup website.

“We recognize that there are difficulties, in particular in the transparency of the procedures, in certain elements of the calendar as well”, said the Minister of National Education, Pap Ndiaye, on France Bleu Occitanie on September 2. Of the “improvements will be made” to Parcoursup “from next year, particularly around issues of transparency”, he promised because “one often has the impression of an incomprehensible black box”.

“A platform for admission to the first year of a master’s degree”

To facilitate registration in the first year of the master’s, “an admissions platform will be put in place at the start of the 2023 school year, announced Minister of Higher Education and Research, Sylvie Retailleau, on Thursday. It will be a “one-stop shop for submitting application files, allocating available places, and responding to candidates.

Candidates will not be so “no longer faced with a multitude of application forms and timetables” according to the masters in which they apply, she assures. “A unique national calendar” will be set up, and “the students will know the Master in which they are admitted before the summer holidays.”

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