End of sanitary measures demanded | The truck convoy arrives in Quebec

(Quebec) The first heavyweights rolled up to Parliament Hill, early Thursday evening. Faced with a strong police presence and several streets closed, the demonstrators were confined to part of René-Lévesque Boulevard. Law enforcement has not reported any incidents so far.

Updated yesterday at 9:49 p.m.

Fanny Levesque

Fanny Levesque
The Press

The sound of horns won the capital on Thursday. Led in particular by trade unionist Bernard “Rambo” Gauthier, a first convoy of truckers and several dozen vehicles left Sept-Îles early Thursday morning to head for the Parliament of Quebec. Supporters calling for the lifting of health measures in Quebec joined the convoy during the day.

The convoy from Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean had stopped at Stoneham-et-Tewkesbury, at the exit of the Laurentides wildlife reserve, before heading to Parliament Hill in the early evening.

“We are against the current. Somewhere, it’s not normal, ”launched the trucker, Donald Cloutier, comfortably installed in his cabin, at the meeting point in Stoneham-et-Tewkesbury. The latter was to leave for Roberval in the evening. He insisted on coming to show his support for his comrades.


“There are places where there is almost no vaccination and the pandemic is already over. The rest of us are stuck with it over the ears and we are among the most vaccinated in the world. Somewhere there is something wrong, it’s not normal, ”he added. Mr. Cloutier refused to say if he had agreed to be vaccinated. “My doctor could tell you that,” he said.

A few more families and supporters remained on site, in Stoneham, after the departure of the convoy for Quebec. Several did not wish to speak publicly during the passage of The Press.


Marc Couillard lives in the area. He operates an excavation company and has decided to come and support his workers who support the convoy of truckers. “I came for freedom,” he said calmly. “At some point, there may be, yes, health rules to respect, but there have to be limits. Let them reopen the shops so that everything resumes. Everything related to hotels, sports and leisure, they have it tough. »

In front of Parliament, the tone was much less friendly. About a hundred demonstrators gathered in front of René-Lévesque Boulevard at the Honoré-Mercier intersection and most of them refused to speak to journalists. If a supporter agreed to present his point of view to us, others surrounded him and sounded the horns to ensure that the conversation was inaudible.

The flags of Quebec and Canada waved to the incessant sound of horns. Only one truck was able to park just behind the imposing security perimeter. The police authorities made an exception.

On the stroke of 9 p.m., the Quebec City Police Department reported no incident. The authorities were to take stock later in the evening.

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