End of Research Section: the finale is a huge hit on TF1!

A page turns for TF1 viewers who followed the series assiduously Research Section. On Thursday April 21, 2022, the first channel broadcast the double episode entitled New start, which put an end to the fiction after 14 seasons. For the occasion, the public was there to follow the latest adventures of Xavier Deluc (captain Martin Bernier), Franck Sémonin (who plays Lucas Auriol), Hélène Godec (Anouk Dubosc) or even Fabienne Carat (Jeanne Lorieux) .

Indeed, the viewers were numerous to follow the last investigation of the team of Research Section. They were no less than 5.07 million viewers according to Médiamétrie, with a market share of 25.8% on the general public and 18.9% on women responsible for purchases under the age of fifty. A huge score that placed TF1 on the first step of the podium and which proves that the series was cult and that it will be greatly missed by the public.

For this grand finale, the production saw things big. Martin Bernier is preparing to retire and for the occasion, a party in his honor is organized. Former colleagues are invited as well, we were able to find Jean-Pascal Lacoste (Luc Irrandonéa), Chrystelle Labaude (Nadia Angeli), Linda Hardy (Claire Linsky) and Virginie Caliari (Mathilde Delmas). But a tragedy changed everything. “Suddenly, an ex-member of the group is murdered. Inevitably, the commander will not apprehend the investigation in the same way. Even if he tries to stay strong, the armor will crack. Especially since, as it is behind closed doors, everyone is potentially suspect“, explained Xavier Deluc during an interview for TV Star (April 11, 2022 edition). A breathtaking finale which was shot in a good-natured and moving atmosphere.

Now, it’s time for the actors to really turn the page to devote themselves to other projects. Xavier Deluc, for example, joined the cast of tomorrow belongs to us last year in the shoes of Sébastien Perraud. During an interview for the podcast parents first of Entertainment TVFabienne Carat confided that she had filming planned, but that it was “still under discussion on certain points“. She also received scripts for projects that would take place abroad. Finally, after love is in the loan, she is preparing a new one woman show. She will talk about motherhood in particular.

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