end of police custody for Jean-Christophe Lagarde


France 2

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President of the UDI, Jean-Christophe Lagarde is implicated in a dark story of alleged political manipulation. Investigators are trying to find out if he was involved in a set-up against his former rival, Raquel Garrido.

After a day of interrogation, the investigators released Jean-Christophe Lagarde, boss of the UDI. What role did he have in the case of the false accusations against deputies Raquel Garrido and Alexis Corbière? In June, an article accused the couple of exploiting an undocumented cleaner. But everything is wrong. Le Point withdrew the article the next day and fired its author, Aziz Zemouri. The journalist filed a complaint for breach of trust via his lawyer.

“My client was intellectually ‘cheated’ by a staging”, confides Me David-Olivier Kaminski, his lawyer. Aziz Zemouri implicates Jean-Christophe Lagarde. He was then in a fight with the candidate of La France insoumise, Raquel Garrido, who finally taken his seat as a deputy. “Motivation is political”, confides the LFI deputy for Seine-Saint-Denis. At the end of June, the Paris prosecutor’s office opened a preliminary investigation for fraud in an organized gang.

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